Network Communications - Divine By Design
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Network Communications

Untangle Network Complexity

Providing cutting-edge service and solutions in the area of IP Networks is a key capability of the business.


DBD consultants and engineers are highly experienced in this field and are actively involved in the design, deployment and management of IP Network projects around the world.


Our expertise encompasses all facets of IP applications including:

  • IP network design
  • Voice over IP (VoIP)
  • Video Teleconferencing (VTC)
  • IP telephony
  • Network security
  • Wireless networking
  • Routing and switching
  • Service provider technologies
Technology - Consulting - Solutions
Technology - Consulting - Solutions

Keep Up To Speed

Our clients include corporate businesses, government departments, public utilities and telecommunication companies that want to improve IP communications for their businesses.


Our vendor independence ensures we are committed to assisting our clients in choosing the right solution that meets their specific requirements, ultimately being able to effectively deliver the best IP communications network possible.


In addition to providing the most cost-effective fiber-optic design and engineering options, we can also help develop business plans and feasibility studies. This ensures the network solution not only fits well from a technology perspective, but also makes financial sense as an investment.

DBD offers the following Network Communications services

Project Management

Contract and vendor management

Management of IP initiatives

RFQ, RFP management

Design & Engineering Services

Network design and engineering

Operational support systems design

Network management system design

Business Planning

Economic analysis and business plans

Market research

Technology review

Product selection and analysis

Network Operation and Maintenance

Network maintenance

Network Operations Center (NOC)

Equipment installation

Monitoring and trouble resolution

Network upgrades

Vendor / service provider management

Network Construction Management

Management of vendors and contractors

Provisioning networks