The global demand for Metals and Minerals is increasing and global mining projects are relatively safe for foreign investment. However, Mining companies must often deal with a shortage of skilled workers, high operational costs due to increased taxes, machinery and fuel and ensure the health and safety of the workforce.
It was not long ago that mining sites operated without ICT systems simply because they did not exist. Today, the modern mining site is dependent on ICT infrastructure to improve the productivity of the mine, reduce operational costs and ensure the safety of personnel.
DBD understands mining from the Enterprise Architecture model, providing an overarching view of ICT systems for mining, to the delivery of fit for purpose systems and the management, monitoring and fault rectification of systems.
ICT systems within a mine setting can include:
Technology is rapidly changing and there are many vendors and products on the market, and in being able to provide a customized solution, we believe in:
DBD is vendor neutral therefore we can objectively and independently represent the interests of your mining projects.
As a company, DBD Consultants have developed with the technology required within mining operations. We have been there in every step of the way as technology has developed, advising clients of the changes and how they impact their operations.
Along with providing strategic ICT advice, as system integrators DBD can also build the teams to undertake detailed design and implementation including supply of equipment, commissioning and testing. Where required you can manage the project in-house by providing Consultants to strengthen and boost your team during demanding periods.
The relationships we have forged over the years has also allowed us to become valuable consultants and facilitators of international bilateral trade dealings with our numerous global partners in the mining industry, connecting buyers with sellers for mutually beneficial relationships.