Military & Defense - Divine By Design
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Military & Defense

Command, Control, Communications, Computers & Intelligence (C4I)

DBD offers integrated Security, Policing & Public Safety architecture solutions to support event & major incident management, site security, and border protection.  The capability offers comprehensive solutions including the integration of live sensor feeds (camera, Infra-Red (IR) etc), Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), consequence analysis, asset tracking, command & control (C2), CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) monitoring & reporting, and voice/data transfer. Our integrated Security, Policing and Public Safety solutions offer capabilities that can benefit a wide range of situations including disaster prevention, monitoring/planning, counter terrorism, business continuity and modelling and simulation.


Our integrated capabilities includes situational awareness pictures and a seamless Command and Control (C2) solution which is a force multiplier for military operations, homeland defense, crisis management and conflict resolution. The flexibility of our architecture enables the specific needs of the customer to be delivered in a timely manner. Our holistic approach to communications combined with our cross-domain security capability allows us to tailor solutions to meet the requirements either within an existing infrastructure or a completely new architecture and design. The extensible architecture allows the maximum use of COTS (Common Off The Shelf) products and the incorporation of third-party applications to deliver mission specific services.

Technology - Consulting - Solutions
Technology - Consulting - Solutions

Tactical Communications

On the battlefield, a communications link is a lifeline – a vital connection to comrades & commanders. Whether you are signing on to your radio or logging on to a laptop, you need a network that works – the first time, every time.


DBD understands the communications needs of the new generation warfighter. Reliability is perhaps the most important feature of any communications systems. New systems use a layered, managed network architecture to deliver connectivity as trusted as a dial tone. Integrating modes such as line-of-sight, airborne nodes and satellite links, the redundant self-managed network provides reliable, fault tolerant communication.

Flexible Open Architectures

Interoperability is a major challenge for net-centric communications. We focus on flexible, open architectures that connect airborne, naval and ground-based networks. These networks embrace new hardware and software – if a new hand-held computer is introduced, the network adapts to connect with the new device, just as it will for antennas, routers and satellites.

Trusted Security at All Levels

To accurately respond to threats, users need access to intelligence from a variety of sources, with varying levels of classification. Our technologies expand the capabilities of secure intelligence sharing. At every layer of the network, the latest security and information assurance technologies keep data safe and trusted – while allowing access to authorized users.

A New Approach to Bandwidth

DBD is helping to ensure that bandwidth is available to those who need it most. Our network management tools approach bandwidth as a warfighting resource. With our technology, communications officers will be able to shift bandwidth to wherever the need is greatest. These new systems will not only vastly increase the network pipeline; it will help the military manage available bandwidth much more efficiently. This will help tomorrow’s networks become even more effective and responsive.