Command, Control, Communications, Computers & Intelligence (C4I)
DBD offers integrated Security, Policing & Public Safety architecture solutions to support event & major incident management, site security, and border protection. The capability offers comprehensive solutions including the integration of live sensor feeds (camera, Infra-Red (IR) etc), Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), consequence analysis, asset tracking, command & control (C2), CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) monitoring & reporting, and voice/data transfer. Our integrated Security, Policing and Public Safety solutions offer capabilities that can benefit a wide range of situations including disaster prevention, monitoring/planning, counter terrorism, business continuity and modelling and simulation.
Our integrated capabilities includes situational awareness pictures and a seamless Command and Control (C2) solution which is a force multiplier for military operations, homeland defense, crisis management and conflict resolution. The flexibility of our architecture enables the specific needs of the customer to be delivered in a timely manner. Our holistic approach to communications combined with our cross-domain security capability allows us to tailor solutions to meet the requirements either within an existing infrastructure or a completely new architecture and design. The extensible architecture allows the maximum use of COTS (Common Off The Shelf) products and the incorporation of third-party applications to deliver mission specific services.